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Yoga for the masses

Of all the people, it’s the common folks who need yoga the most. With a highly stressful life, common people are the most vulnerable to mental and physical health issues. At Satyam Yoga Trust, we aim to improve their health and set them on a journey of transformation. For all this, the only Guru Dakshina we expect are - Sincerity, Regularity and Punctuality.


A global authority on yoga

Satyananda Yoga Centre was founded on the principles and values of the Bihar School of Yoga - a brainchild of Satyananda Yoga. With strong traditional roots, the Bihar School Of Yoga stands as a forerunner in modern yoga renaissance. So much so, It is considered as a global authority on authentic yoga.


Swami Sivananda Parampara: The cycle of goodwill

Yoga was passed down from our ancestors to their ardent disciples. As followers of one such lineage, we want to share that wisdom with you what was once shared with us. Our 1-month beginner’s yoga course is free for people of all religions and faiths. We call this the eternal cycle of goodwill.

Swami Sivananda Saraswathi: Our Moola Guru

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Made hitherto unavailable techniques of Yoga accessible

to the common man in India and abroad.


Established many organisations to spread the culture of yoga.

Authored more than 300 books on Yoga.

Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswathi

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Re-established yoga all over the world called

Authored more than 200 books

Paramahamsa Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

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Established Bihar Yoga Bharati, the only University in the world for yogic studies.

Established Ashrams and Yoga Centres in Europe, America and other countries.

Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati (Satsangi)

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Establishment of the Sivananda Math in Rikhia.

Working tirelessly to uplift the weak and underprivileged.

Sanyasi Krishna Yoga: The light of Satyam Yoga Trust

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Born in Kerala, Sanyasi Krishna Yogam is an atheist turned theist, a grihastha who is also a sanyasi, a corporate executive turned full-time yogic lifestyle guru. Sanyasi Krishna Yogam was still a senior executive at BHEL when he became a Karma Sannyasi in the sivananda satyananda tradition. He has dedicated his life to teaching yoga as a lifestyle while still playing his everyday roles. With 4 decades of experience, he presents the yogic wisdom of managing and living life to the fullest.


Established RSTPP Yogabhyasa Kendra at Ramagundam, Andhra Pradesh,

Established Satyam Yogabhyasa Kendra in Kaniha, Orissa,

Established Satchit Yogabhyasa Kendra in Puthur, Kerala.

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